
Release: Estimated Long-Term Mutual Fund Flows

Estimated Long-Term Mutual Fund Flows

Washington, DC; February 12, 2025—Total estimated outflows from long-term mutual funds1 were $16.18 billion for the week ended Wednesday, February 5, the Investment Company Institute reported today. These outflows represent 0.1 percent of long-term mutual fund assets as of December 31. Estimates for combined long-term flows and ETF net issuance are available on the ICI website.

Additional Data Categories Available Online: In addition to the categories included in the table below, the report now includes additional detail about domestic equity categories (large cap, mid cap, small cap, multi cap, and other), world equity categories (developed markets and emerging markets), and taxable bond categories (investment grade, high yield, government, multisector, and global).

Estimated Flows* to Long-Term Mutual Funds
Millions of dollars

Total equity








Total bond








* Note: Flow estimates are derived from data covering 98 percent of industry assets. Components may not add to the total because of rounding.

Equity funds2 had estimated outflows of $21.84 billion for the week (0.1 percent of December 31 assets), compared to estimated outflows of $15.17 billion in the previous week. Domestic equity funds had estimated outflows of $15.69 billion (0.1 percent), and world equity funds had estimated outflows of $6.15 billion (0.2 percent).

Hybrid funds2—which can invest in stocks and fixed-income securities—had estimated outflows of $2.02 billion for the week (0.1 percent of December 31 assets), compared to estimated outflows of $1.49 billion in the previous week.

Bond funds2 had estimated inflows of $7.68 billion for the week (0.2 percent of December 31 assets), compared to estimated inflows of $4.32 billion during the previous week. Taxable bond funds saw estimated inflows of $6.83 billion (0.2 percent), and municipal bond funds had estimated inflows of $852 million (0.1 percent).

If you have any questions or would like to request additional comments on this or data on another topic, please contact a member of ICI’s Media Relations team at media@ici.org.

Notes: Weekly cash flows are estimated, while actual net new cash flows are collected on a monthly basis and are reported in ICI’s “Trends in Mutual Fund Investing”; therefore, there are differences between these weekly estimates and the monthly flows. Data for previous weeks reflect revisions because of data adjustments, reclassifications, and changes in the number of funds reporting. Historical flow data are available on the ICI website.


1 Data for exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and funds that invest primarily in other mutual funds were excluded from the series.

2 ICI classifies funds and share classes based on language in the fund prospectus. For a detailed description of ICI classifications, please see ICI Open-End Investment Objective Definitions.