ICI Experts
ICI draws on the deep experience and expert knowledge of staff who specialize in the issues affecting registered investment companies around the world.
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ICI Research Experts
Experts in ICI’s research department study issues of public policy, economic and market developments, and shareholder demographics.
Shelly AntoniewiczChief Economist Areas of expertise: exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, money market funds, financial stability, global funds, closed-end funds, financial markets, fund governance |
Sarah HoldenSenior Director, Retirement and Investor Research Areas of expertise: US retirement market, retirement and tax policy, investor demographics, 401(k) plan participant behavior, fund disclosure, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), household surveys, target date funds |
Judy SteenstraSenior Director, Statistical Research Areas of expertise: data on open-end mutual funds, closed-end funds, exchange-traded funds, unit investment trusts, the worldwide fund industry |
Steven BassEconomist, Retirement and Investor Research Areas of expertise: defined contribution plans, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 401(k) participant plan behavior, target date funds |
Michael BogdanAssociate Economist, Retirement and Investor Research Areas of expertise: household surveys, investor demographics and behavior, fund disclosure |
Peter BradySenior Economic Adviser, Retirement and Investor Research Areas of expertise: retirement and tax policy, pensions, savings, the US retirement market |
James DuvallEconomist, Industry and Financial Analysis Areas of expertise: fees and expenses, closed-end funds, ESG, money market funds, mutual funds, global funds |
Hammad QureshiSenior Economist, Industry and Financial Analysis Areas of expertise: financial stability, market structure, performance and fees, mutual funds, ETFs, target date funds |
Dan SchrassEconomist, Retirement and Investor Research Areas of expertise: household surveys, investor demographics and behavior, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), fund disclosure |
Jason SeligmanSenior Economist, Retirement and Investor Research Areas of expertise: US retirement market, investor demographics and behavior, fund disclosure |
Christof StahelSenior Economic Adviser, Industry and Financial Analysis Areas of expertise: common ownership, financial stability, global funds, financial markets, ESG |