Trading & Market Structure
EU Markets Need to Commit to Catch up With the US on T+1
In May, the US and Canada moved from settling securities transactions two days after a trade to one...
ICI Global Response to SEBI on Regulations for Foreign Investors
ICI Global response to the SEBI on regulations to foreign portfolio investors.
T+1: The Next Step for Evolving Markets Globally
October 9, 2023—As financial services firms around the world institute processes and procedures to...
Foreign Direct Investment: Striking the Right Balance
In a world that is more interconnected than ever, it is important to fend off foreign threats to...
Joint Comment Letter on Equivalence and Recognition in Relation to UK CCPs (pdf)
ICI Global Response to EU Commission CSDR Consultation on Settlement Discipline Regime (pdf)
Joint Trade Association Letter Regarding Implementation of CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime (pdf)
Focus on Funds: Landmark European Financial Regulation Faces Reform
July 24, 2020—Regulators in the European Union are planning changes to MiFID that could affect...
High-Level Forum Report on Capital Markets Union Rightly Focuses on Potential of Retail Investment
High-Level Forum Report on Capital Markets Union Rightly Focuses on Potential of Retail Investment...
Comment Letter on the Japanese Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act Draft Rules (pdf)
ICI: “Vitally Important" That Financial Markets Remain Open
Paul Schott Stevens, president and CEO of the Investment Company Institute, issued the following...
Focus on Funds: Global Capital Markets Offer New Opportunities
Focus on Funds Global Capital Markets Offer New Opportunities In the November 8, 2019, edition of...
Focus on Funds: Asia Is an Increasingly Large and Dynamic Investment Environment
Focus on Funds Asia Is an Increasingly Large and Dynamic Investment Environment China and Japan are...
Focus on Funds: China’s Capital Markets Beckon for Global Fund Managers
Focus on Funds China’s Capital Markets Beckon for Global Fund Managers China’s capital markets are...