Comment Letter
ICI Response to IOSCO Consultations on OEF Liquidity Risk Management
February 11, 2025—ICI submitted a letter in response to the International Organization of Securities...
Comment Letter
ICI Response to the European Commission for Call of Evidence on its Single Market Strategy
January 30, 2025—ICI submitted a response to the European Commission call for evidence on its Single...
News Release
UCITS: A Cost-Effective Savings Vehicle Benefitting Investors Worldwide
December 19, 2024—UCITS remain a global success story, serving as a cost-effective savings tool for...
Supplemental Tables: Ongoing Charges for UCITS in the European Union, 2023 (xlsx)
Comment Letter
ICI Comment Letter to the European Commission Consultation on the Adequacy of Macroprudential Polici...
November 21, 2024—ICI submitted its views in a letter to the European Commission on its consultation...
News Release
ICI Statement on the Appointment of IOSCO Secretary General Rodrigo Buenaventura
November 8, 2024—ICI President and CEO Eric J. Pan released a statement on the news of Rodrigo...
Comment Letter
ICI Response to the Accelerated Settlement Taskforce Technical Group on T+1 in the UK
October 30, 2024—ICI sent its response to the Accelerated Settlement Taskforce Technical Group...