News Release
Hands Off My 401(k): American Retirement Savers Appreciate Their Plans Just the Way They Are
January 30, 2025—According to new research published by the Investment Company Institute (ICI)...
Supplemental Tables: American Views on Defined Contribution Plan Saving, 2024 (xlsx)
News Release
The Rise of Target Date Funds: ISS MI BrightScope and ICI’s Closer Look at 403(b) Plan Investments
December 23, 2024—ICI and ISS Market Intelligence (MI) today released their collaborative report on...
The BrightScope/ICI Defined Contribution Plan Profile: A Close Look at ERISA 403(b) Plans, 2021 (pdf...
ICI Viewpoints
The Fact(or)s Matter When Measuring TDF Performance
October 14, 2024—Target date funds (TDFs) have steadily become a mainstream option among retirement...
ICI Viewpoints
Revolutionizing Retirement
August 30, 2024—Adjusted for inflation, average retirement assets per US household are nearly 10...