
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Proposed CIP Rule for Advisers

July 22, 2024— in this letter ICI provides comments on the notice of proposed rulemaking that would...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on the CIRCIA Proposal

July 3, 2024— in this letter ICI provides its views on the notice of proposed rulemaking on Cyber...
Comment Letter

ICI Supplemental Comment Letter on Regulation S-P, Cybersecurity for Broker-Dealers and Investment A...

In the April Commission Statement Relating to Certain Administrative Adjudications and the Second...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on SEC's Cybersecurity Risk Management

The Investment Company Institute appreciates the opportunity to provide its comments on the proposal...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on SEC's Proposed Revisions to Regulation S-P

The Investment Company Institute supports the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s proposal to...
Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Proposed Cybersecurity Risk Management Rule for Investment Companies and Inves...

The Investment Company Institute appreciates the opportunity to provide its comments in response to...
News Release

ICI: Mutual Funds Have Helped Middle Class Families Secure Their Financial Futures

ICI concluded its annual Investment Management Conference this week, after convening senior...
ICI Viewpoints

Working to Ensure Funds Can Maintain Vital Services

Key personnel of mutual fund sponsors and service providers should be deemed “essential workers” and...
ICI Viewpoints

During COVID-19 Crisis, Fund Company Staff Are Essential

As governments consider extending orders to “shelter in place,” they must include staff of fund...