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ICI Welcomes Senate Confirmation of SEC Commissioner Elad Roisman

Washington, DC; September 5, 2018ICI President and CEO Paul Schott Stevens today issued the following statement after the US Senate confirmed Elad L. Roisman as a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):

“We congratulate Elad Roisman on his confirmation to serve as an SEC commissioner, as the agency pursues its critical mission of protecting investors; maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitating capital formation. Roisman’s commitment to fair markets and capital growth will enable him to effectively execute the SEC’s mission.

“Roisman’s experience as chief counsel for the Senate Banking Committee, counsel to a former SEC commissioner, and chief counsel at NYSE Euronext makes him highly qualified to be an SEC commissioner. His expertise on financial services matters, particularly trading and markets issues, positions him well to oversee the US securities market, the robustness and vitality of which are so important to the nation’s millions of mutual fund investors. We look forward to working with him.”