Comment Letter

Comment Letter

ICI Comment Letter on Treasury's Request for Information on Uses, Opportunities, and Risks of Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Services Sector

On August 12, 2024, ICI submitted a comment letter to the US Department of the Treasury ("Treasury") on the "Request for Information on Uses, Opportunities, and Risks of Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Services Sector" (the "RFI"). In the RFI issued on June 12th, Treasury explains that it is interested in gathering information from a broad set of stakeholders in the financial services ecosystem on (1) the uses of AI in the financial services sector and the opportunities and risks presented by developments and applications of AI within the sector and (2) input on the potential opportunities and risks of financial institutions' use of AI and how AI may affect impacted entities. ICI's responds with the intention of opening a dialogue with Treasury and other financial regulators on the regulation of AI. 

Read more in the comment letter.